Presentation of first PTP results and findings at WindEurope 2018 (26.09. -28.09.18 in Hamburg, Germany)
The measurement phase of the iSpin Performance Transparency Project (PTP) – one of the largest and most systematic demonstration...
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How to explain the Spinner Transfer Function?
A short presentation can be downloaded which shows the principle steps for calibrating iSpin wind speed against a reference,...
Met mast for complex site in Portugal was successfully refurbished for PTP in May 2018
The met mast for the Turbine Type B) complex site started collecting data. Although iSpin measurement started already in...
PTP Web site launched in May 2018
It took some time and effort, but now the official PTP web site is on air. Special Thanks to...
Met mast for PTP wind farm in Poland was successfully installed and commissioned in May 2018!
It took quite some time to get the building permission for the met mast at the PTP site...
Poster at WindEurope Wind Farm Operation Workshop 2018 (15.05. to 16.05.18, Vilnius, Lithuania)
See our poster with the title: “Performance monitoring of wind turbines using Spinner Anemometry” http://www.ispin-ptp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/WindEurope_OPWF18_Poster015_Performance_monitoring_of_wind_turbines_using_Spinner_Anemometry.pdf
iSpin Best Practice Report available at DTU Orbit since April 2018
Part of the DTU scope within the PTP is to create and improve a Best Practice Document for using...
Spinner Anemometry – Uncertainty Analysis by DTU
The spinner anemometer is an integrated instrument on a wind turbine that can measure traceable calibrated and free wind...
Nacelle LiDAR installed and commissioned in Offshore wind farm for PTP at 06.02.17
DTU managed to install and commission the nacelle LiDAR at the offshore turbine for the Performance Transparency Project (PTP)....
Installation tolerances of iSpin sensors at Turbine Type A) kept within +/- 10mm
Based on very detailed working instructions and our technicians it was possible to achieve all 30 iSpin system sensor...